I know it has been quite a few days since my last post. I have a good excuse for that......my fingers hurt too much to type. Lame, but true. So, here is a quick breakdown of chemo week from $%#@.
Wednesday-came home from chemo and went down hill quick. Very nausiated...
Thursday-comtinued to be very nausiated. Neuropathy beginning to set in. Only in my hands this time(praise God on that one)!
Friday-woke up with a refreshing sinus infection(that's what I thought, anyway). It continued to get worse with shooting pain behind my left eye. I called my oncologist to see if they wanted to start antibiotics and Advil sinus/cold. he said "No. Go to the ER. " "What? Really? Come on!" Apparently when you are receiving chemo and you come down with any unusual ailment.....you go to the ER. What a waisted Friday evening.... I felt absolutely silly telling them I was there for a sinus infection and shooting pain behind my eye and they looked at me like I was crazy or something. Which I am, but that's beside the point. Then we talked chemo and everything started to move quickly. After a head cat scan, eye pressure exam, blood cultures and all kinds of other blood work....I was sent home with Antibiotics for a sinus infection. Hmmmm.
Saturday-ER called to see if I would come in for a follow up. How many ER's do that? I said no. My eye pain switch to my right and my nose continued to ruuuuun! I told them I could handle that and nothing more. Hands hurt like %$#@. So, I started wearing big, fat, ugly black mittens to control the pain. Lovely.
Sunday-Nausea is gone with the help of drugs and Pregipops. Woo hoo! Hands still hurt and mittens remain on. I love these mittens.
Monday-sinus infection rages on and fingers still tingle. Oh well! Yet another chemo therapy done! That is a blessing in itself.