Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chemo 4 tomorrow....

I went to work today, which was very nice to feel productive and hopefully helpful again. Came home, helped Sierra with her homework, made dinner, cleaned the living room, dining room, kitchen, showered Saige, did reading with her and now I sit.......surprisingly very tired tonight. Hmmmmm. But it is 6:30 and I feel I accomplished quite a bit today. Chemo tomorrow.....I mean my lunch date is tomorrow! Did you know RMCC has TV trays for you to eat from? I don't know why, but I find this funny! Let me paint a picture for you. When you walk in to the infusion center there is four sections separated by half walls(so you see everybody and they see you). Within the sections there are four recliners arranged in a circle all facing each other with side tables in between ( for nursing supplies) and then the IV poles and pumps to the right of each chair. Throw in patients and then the TV trays and you got yourself a glorified living room! I have to say I am itching to get this one done so I can get my next PET scan scheduled. I just need some confirmation that this is working......know what I mean?


  1. Slow down champ...you are healing right now. R & R means REST and RECOVERY. Actually, I am sure it is nice to have a "normal" day (with cleaning included ~ where's the laundry?)

    The TV trays need a frozen dinner on them...you know...with the salsibury steak and the cooked apple dessert...now you have a living room!

    You'll be forefront on my mind tomorrow!

    I'll call after work ~ Sara

  2. So as I read your entry I was actually picturing everything you said. In my mind, I guess I was a step ahead of your writing because all I can picture is all the patients' heads surrounded by big TV boxes. If you want to change the channel, you just need to turn to your right or left. That might make you laugh all day tomorrow if you find yourself looking at the people in your circle. LOL

  3. By the way, just in case I haven't mentioned it before, if you need some additional therapy, or the feeling of being productive or helpful, you are more than welcome to come clean my apartment! I will be sure to leave it extra messy if you really need it.

    I am only thinking of you of course!

  4. Eat and get your drugs. Kinda like this...

  5. OMG John that pic of cookie monster heating his dough almost made me cry!!! ok not really, I lmao!! (Sorry Cindy) You know how much our family loves eating cold dough.......arrrggghhhh. This cold sensitivity thing SUCKKKKSSSSS!
