It was a big day for me and the last thing I needed was to wake up at four in the morning with a temperature of 101.4. grrrrr......or brrrrr. My teeth were chattering when I finally climbed in the shower.
My first appointment was at 8:00am. Apparently my head was in a cloud because we left the door wide open when we left. We met with Dr. Kortz, theeee surgeon. We receive a plethora of information from him but ultimately came to the conclusion that my entire right lobe of my liver needs to be removed and he will want my right lobe hit with syruspheres (not sure if I spelled that correctly, but who cares at this point) before hand to try to shrink the tumor some more. That way they can get clean margins when they do the surgery. Can't give any dates for anything at this point but I will keep you posted.
YES! We were hoping that the tumor would eventually get small enough to remove and it has happened. You are amazing. You are healing and recovering! Love you!