I promised some pictures from the trip....It was a great weekend, all in all. We certainly did end it with a bang! Literally! We had packed up the jeep, checked out of the hotel and went to get gas. We planned on spending the day in Durango and then getting a hotel closer to home to ease the 9 hour drive. Low and behold, less than a mile from town we heard a BANG and then a clankity clank clank. The jeep came to a screeching halt and John had lost all control of steering wheel and jeep in general. Bottom line....the gears fell apart and the jeep locked up. It was not in any shape to make the treck to Denver. We were left with three choices: 1)leave it there at a shop and rent a vehicle to get home and then drive back to pick it up, 2) have a tow truck tow it back to Denver for the low price of 1500.00, 3) haul it home yourself with a uhaul truck and trailer for 600.00. What do you think we chose? So, we get this uhaul truck and drive 9 hours in a vehicle that had only three seats. Cozy! Lets now count our blessings: 1) we weren't going 70 mph with a vehicle trailing us, 2) no one was hurt and 3) we got our baby blue home safely! God is good! Good ole fashion family fun, I tell you!
On a cancer note, I have really been feeling great! The only issue I am dealing with is my lovely neuropathy, causing a lot of numbness and tingling. I went to see Dr. Jotte yesterday and he said (again) that it will worsen before it gets better and it may take months and months before I see improvements....hmmmm. He suggested an MRI to check my spine again because when I nod yes, I have numbness and tingling shoot down the front of me to my toes and my butt is numb. I, on the other hand suggested to say NO instead and to see a chiropractor...he seemed ok with that. I went and saw one after the appointment with Jotte. He specializes in neuropathy and feels (strongly) that he can help me. Keeping my numb fingers crossed. I don't see Dr. Nutting till Monday now and we will plan the ablation that day. And my nezt (don't have a functioning letter on my key board) PET scan is in four weeks. So many fun things planned.....I don't know what to do with myself!
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