Friday, August 27, 2010

CT results.....

On Wednesday I went to Sky Ridge to have my cat scan done. It felt like a long day regardless of the fact that it went smooth as silk. Then I had to wait....and you all know how much I like to wait! Today I met with Dr. Jotte about my CT and next plan of action. While I was there he got Dr. Nutting on the phone and they reviewed my scan together. They concurred that the Sir spheres are doing what they need to be doing and the tumor that has been ablated is doing exactly what they hoped as well. That is the good news. There is only one minor problem. Lets see if I can explain this correctly. There is a small possibility that the necrotic tissue from the two tumors may be encroaching on each other and may change my surgical candidacy. They are worried that there may not be enough healthy tissue to make a clean margin. I am not letting this get to me, I promise you that much. I meet with Dr. Kortz on Thursday. I don't think we will have a final call that day but we will be closer.......


  1. Don't worry Cyn. They will figure this out and get it done. You are so close to getting all of this out of the way. BELIEVE it! I do!! LOVE YOU!

  2. Hey ~ I am sure Thursday feels forever away. All has gone exactly as planned so need to rock the boat now. From what you have said, Dr. Kortz sounds like an awesome doctor and he will get this cancer out and all will move forward. Thanks for the update. We are always thinking of you and prayng for you. XO ~ Sara
