Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Quote for the day

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass......it's about learning how to dance in the rain!"

Read this quote today and had to share it with you! This is how I have been able to manage through all the crap, yet not able to put it in words quite so eloquently. I am not the only one amongst us that is dealing with a crappy situation and I have never been one to think my crap trumps your crap. There's the marriage crap, the work crap, the family dynamics crap. We can add in there the thoughtless driver crap, the mean lady crap and all the political crap. Through all this crap.....let's dance! Just make sure you avoid stepping in the dog crap ;-).


  1. Thanks Cynthia...I really needed to hear that today...you are an angel.

  2. Remember too that today was the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday.

    Additionally, after Monday and Tuesday even the callendar says, "WTF!"

    Or, as the Offspring song states, "This is life./What a ^&$@ up thing we do,/what a nightmare come true./Or a playground if we choose./And I chose."
