Saturday, January 16, 2010

God give me patience

Today has been the best day! I actually feel very good and have not had any nausea. John and I actually climbed to the top of Dakota Ridge. The weather was great along with the company. I had to stop and rest only three times......which is not bad since my leg muscles have magically disappeared. It is so wrong how much time we spend building muscle and how little time it takes for it to vanish! I am experiencing a very strong sense of impatience. What I mean is, if I walk everyday then running should be better, or if chemo works every other week maybe it will work faster if I just suck it up and have treatment every week! I know this is irrational as well as not possible.......Most people would think because I feel so good right now that I would be dreading chemo, when in fact this off week is making me impatient. I almost feel like we are wasting time. Stupid huh? Well, the good news is I haven't lost my hair....yet. Hope you all are having a great weekend!


  1. yea for climbing!! It's good to hear you doing something you love! You need to build our strength between treatments. That's important--but you know that already. :) Love you!

  2. Glad to hear the good stuff......where is dakota ridge? Isn't this weather wonderful? Glad you are able to get outside and enjoy it. Still praying

  3. Hello My Friend ~ I love that you are hiking and getting out and about! I agree with the other need to get strength when you can..."make hay when the sun is shining".

    Scott says hello! Love you ~ Sara

  4. Who needs leg muscles when you have a buff hubby to carry you to the top? :)

    I can't believe you think you should be doing chemo every week!!!! Cuz I've thought the same thing!!! Chemo every week means kicking cancer's ass in half the time right? I'll call your doc and tell him about our plan:)

    Luv ya sista!!!
