Thursday, January 14, 2010


Ok! So, I am such an idiot! I have been started on a new type of medication because of my motion sickness. This medication comes as a patch that is placed behind the ear (scope patch) and as a nurse I am very familiar with this patch.......and I still touched it and rubbed my right eye.....twice! I now have a headache and my right pupil is larger than my left. Brilliant! Has it helped the nausea? I drove to Colorado Mills to join the mall walkers and got nauseated. My drive home was better though....hmmmm. No barfing...guess that's a good thing! I have been awake since 4 am therefore plan on going to bed at 8 sharp. I am exhausted! It is supposed to be nice all weekend so I plan on doing a lot of walking outside. I am released to go back to work on the 25th so i need to get my @#$ in gear! At this point i will struggle with princess shifts.....grrrrr!


  1. Keep it up Cynthia...You are a tough cookie and you CAN do this!!

  2. I love the idea of mall walking! Colorado Mills is the perfect mall for that too! Let me know if you need company, I could use the exercise. My Wii Fit kept saying I was fat so I don't use it anymore, lol.

  3. I would love to be your walking partner...chit chat the walk away. Going back to go girl...the princess shift will be perfect! You are always in our thoughts! Love you ~ Sara
