Saturday, February 12, 2011


On my mantel is my collection of memories. Memories of babies being born, children growing up, weddings, camping trips, hiking 14ers, playing in creeks. I could go on and on. I generally take these down for Christmas decorating and then place them back up there after the new year. Well, if you think I am a slacker in the blog world, you will be happy to know that I just pulled those out yesterday and placed them back up on the mantel. Then I cried. How is it that there is a picture of me on a huge boulder of Mount Holy Cross and three months later I am in the hospital, diagnosed with cancer, fighting for my life, 20 pounds lighter with muscle atrophy? I have to be honest with you all. I really miss that strong, healthy body. Don't get me wrong. I am very blessed with the health I have. I am grateful for every chance I get to be out enjoying friends and family. And on most days I am very accepting of the symptoms I deal with on a daily basis. It's just a new way of living and I work around it, right? I mean, lets face it. I haven't blogged in ten days. And I know it tends to worry you, but I was really out enjoying life....and isn't that better than sitting here focused on cancer?
I don't have a lot to report. I have chemo on Wednesday again. They will infuse the Oxolyplatin and then I will go on the fourteen day regimen of Xeloda. After the full treatment there should be a CT. I have been feeling mostly good. Appetite has been off and neuropathy is.......I'm ready for summer. Other than that, energy is good. I hope you all have a happy Valentines Day! I plan on eating cake!

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