Thursday, May 26, 2011


It had been a very long week.....or two......or 72.....But who's counting? Let's just focus on the last two or so. Last Monday on the 16 I started to feel funny, just not right. Know what I mean? So I called my onc and explained to them all my weird symptoms. My legs were swelling up to my knees, stomache completely bloated (I looked like I was six months prego) and a sharp pain in the middle of my sternum with deep breathes. Never mind the fact that I was pooping water out of my.....ok, tmi. They went ahead and bumped my scan up a week to Wednesday the 18th. That was fun. I worked, went for blood work somewhere in there and had my contrast hand delivered to me to start drinking. They all rock! My lab work came back on Thursday as normal but my swelling and diarrhea was getting far worse. I called on Monday and asked them to just call me about my CT results. You should have seen my knees! They were ginormous! Mind you I was working a ten hour shift this day so requesting CT results over the phone was NOT the brightest move on my part. What a doober! Three o'clock I find out all my cancer is not only growing but spreading more to lymph nodes in my abdomen....hence the #^*&!#$ swelling. It is now all the way up to my belly button! Arg!
So, I have stopped my chemotherapy and am now on a four week dry period before I can start any clinical trials. Basically they want all chemo out of your system so they know that the only thing they are studying is the drug that is being used. Symptoms that go along with all of this? Well, diarrhea of course! And nausea, vomiting, fatigue and rash. Rash? You have got to be kidding me! That is pretty damn funny. Who would like to by me my first supply of depends.....are there any Halloween stores open this time of year?
I do have some fun things planned with the kids before the chaos begins and I am looking forward to this! My girls are my shining hope and my God is my strength. Continue your prayers....I definitely need them and I can honestly say I am afraid. Love out to you all!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Trust In the Lord with your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.

    I love you with all my heart.
    Tonight, I ask the world for prayer.

  3. Love you sweet Cynthia. Love you so much girl.

    Becky & Audrey

  4. Cynthia -- Becky just told me tonight about your blog...
    we're all so worried about you.
    How do we get in touch with you?
