Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chemo brain?

At 12:30am I woke up Sierra and she and I curled up under a blanket on the back deck to watch the lunar eclipse. Pretty cool if I do say so my self! When we got out there the moon was at a crescent, so we got to see it completely turn red. Anyone else brave the cold and lack of sleep to see this? I sure hope so!
On a health note, Saige has been fighting either a sinus infection or a cold. So, last night (because I conveniently lost our thermometer) we stopped at Walgreen's to get a new one. John picked out the temporal scanner 2000c. It only took us 15 minutes to figure out the thermometer doesn't read with the protective cover on! John checked himself 96.8, Saige 100.2, me 102.4 (what????).
I had just spent the day exchanging clothes with Sierra, going to the park with both kids and having a lovely dinner with a friend. Recheck-102.4 (what???!!). Refocus! Take care of your daughter, she feels like CRAP, and me? Just fine! Medicated my girl well, tucked her in and then snuggled. How long have I been running a temp? No idea. Maybe a one time thing? Hope so. I finally broke it out in the cold under a red moon. Awesome!
We are hanging at home so Saige can rest and heal. The Christmas break has been magical with more to come! Hope yours is as well! Merry Christmas to you all!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful experience for you both- they said there hasn't been one for 300 years. We had to much cloud cover from the Pineapple Expressm (rain) coming through Calif :( Hope it doesn't head your way. Enjoy the holidays and keep making lots of wonderful memories! Get well both of you-Hugs from Niels to Saige he misses his partner in crime :)
