Sunday, December 19, 2010


I know I am a sap. I can't help myself. And now you all have to hear about it. If there is anything that I can teach you all through my cancer journey it is: (1)God is in control, (2)get a colonoscopy ( colon cancer is THE most preventable cancer), (3) there are really good people out there in this crazy world. Now I use the word good to encompass a lot of meanings such as sincere, big hearted, loving, generous and thoughtful. I am sure I could come up with more, but you get the idea.
I know I have cancer. I know it is in my liver and lungs. I am not in denial about this. But the past year has been such a blessing to me! I have had the joy of seeing communities come together to love on my family, dote on my children, and care for us in a way I would have never expected. I generally do not mention names in my blog for HIPPA reasons. ;-) but I have to say something. The way my friend and family have rallied is amazing, the way the Sky Ridge OR/PACU/PRE-OP staff have supported my family is awe inspiring, the way the Powderhorn community has reached out with all their love and generosity is incredible, the way the Dakota Ridge football team and parents have loved on us is humbling, the way my Rock family has blessed us is indescribable, and the way the employees at UPRR has supported my husband is wonderful. Even though I have mentioned large groups of people....I know I am missing someone. And if it you, I am truly sorry. Don't worry though, it will come to me at two o'clock in the morning permanently disrupting my sleep. Oh, see some of them are coming to me now! The NICU group at St Joe's, several prayer groups across the country, I know there are Lilly folk that are reading and praying too!
My family was treated to a limo ride tonight to see the Christmas lights. In the limo were gift bags for the girls to go through. The joy of watching them go through the gift bags was priceless and the surprise of the limo ride was......I'm a lucky girl. The lights were beautiful. spending time with my family and seeing pure joy in my girl's faces......once again, I am a lucky girl!

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