Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year's resolution

Got up early (early for Christmas break anyway) and went to chemo. My plan was to make sure I got copies of my labs from the last chemo session unfortunately, dreading the results. With all the fevers I've been having, who wouldn't? My CBC was mostly good with a white count of 9 but hematocrit of 30. Don't worry...they won't infuse me until I hit 25, and quite frankly that made me feal like a super huro last time...Cynbad the wonder chick! My liver enzymes are a little off with ALK/PHOS at 331, Albumin at 3.3, SGOT/AST 40. Not bad considering I have a ten centimeter tumer in there! My CEA was back today as well. It came back at 67.9. Yay! Woohoo! Yippy skippy! Down from 105? Instead of dragging myself into the chemo room with my knuckles dragging on the floor I went in with a slight skip in my step! A fellow chemo colleague commented that she has never seen anyone so chipper walk into that room. This news was the best Christmas gift I have ever received.....well, second to Christ's birth of course!
The nurses there were so funny too. I have to say I just love the staff there. I always say I won't miss them over the time I don't see them....but really you do grow to really like your regulars and enjoy the social time with them. They were all noticing how great my face looked. Granted, it does look really good in comparison, but I still harbor twenty or so zits on my face with painful ones hiding in my ears and many scattered over my chest and back. I am truly convinced that my gross cancer is pouring out through my gross keep them coming!
Hope you all had a great Christmas and that you have a wonderful New Years! BTW....who's putting colonoscopies on their New Years resolution? My resolution? To kick some cancer ass of course! Silly people.....Love you!


  1. Boy, I have to go look those numbers up...I forget the norm. Great news on the CEA. I love to see people skip! See you soon ~ Sara

  2. Glad to hear the great news! There's always a positive side to evrything even those nasty zits...hope you enjoy the last week of winter break with the girls. All our love, Lily, Mike and Niels
