Thursday, December 16, 2010

still here!!

I have to do a quick blog since some of you worry too much! I am still here....have not kicked the bucket yet. Don't plan on it any time soon either. I have too many fun things to do over the holidays. You will all be thrilled to hear I am down to five zits. Lets face it, I look hot now! I figure come Monday they will all be back. Or maybe not......I have been a little tired, but who isn't during the Christmas season? I went back to bed yesterday morning after the kids were off to school only to be tucked in by 7:30pm last night......aaaahhhh! I slept like a rock.
Had chemo on Monday. Plan is to do two more then a PET scan. Feeling good about this chemo. I am sure it is forcing all the cancer cells out through my skin....literally.
I am keeping this one short....I've got presents to wrap! Hope all is well with you!

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit that the image of a 10 cm tumor coming out of one of your zits has gone through my mind multiple time. its amazing in the 21st century that we can just go on youtube and see videos that rival our best imaginations... while I will not link it here (so that you don't accidentally click on it), youtube does have the top ten zit popping count down video. it is not for the faint of heart to witness. I had to turn it off at number five. Enjoy if you dare, but have a bucket near by in case you need to vomit.
