Monday, March 15, 2010

Lifes irony

Hey! Sorry I have not posted in a few days. I have been keeping very busy trying to get some work things done, enjoying my family and friends, and playing in the sun. I feel like I have to squeeze in so much before I get chemo-drain again. This chemo thing is definitely botching my social calendar! I am not looking forward to being knocked down for five days, but it sure is easier knowing it is WORKING! Bye bye tumors!
By the way, I have to share some irony. The other day an old friend spontaneously stopped by with her two little boys. All three walked in carrying three different types of cactus's. I really enjoyed the visit and loved catching up with normal family life crap. After they left, I sat and looked at the cactus's. It was captivating! I could totally "relate" to the cactus's. What is wrong with me? I stared at those prickly, poky little things and thought how well they represented my journey. All three different actually the size and shape of a softball.....hmmmmm. I thought to myself, "I would have a better chance killing the tumors than these cactus's!" HA! :) On each cactus there was some sort of flower blooming through the poky, spiny things. Those flowers seemed to represent......something. I am not sure. But I kept looking at them thinking how amazing they were. They bloomed so beautiful through such a treacherous landscape and all I could think was that I hope I can do the same. That's all it is really.....just landscape.

1 comment:

  1. Those are just beautiful. Time for spring planting and cleaning up all that accumulated this winter and that includes those tumors. You are a miracle child and will appreciate all that life has to give you. Agreat husband, 2 beautiful children, great friends and family and that 14K hike that you will be ready to do this summer, (HA). Life is really beautiful and we really need to appreciate every minute we have. Rich says you are tougher than those cactus and they survive anything. Just think, you don't have to worry about watering them since that is the how we loose the plants that we have. love you all, Mom and Rich
