Monday, March 1, 2010

PET scan

I got up at six am and took a shower. Dressed in PET scan appropriate clothing and removed all my jewelry. John and I drove down to Sky Ridge for the scan...boy was I hungry! When we got to the cancer center I banged on the door (the cancer center wasn't open yet) and they let me in. Once I signed in they took me to the back to access my port and draw some blood then to a room to start drinking my barium. Half way through the barium a tech came into the room to tell me the scanner was down and to not drink the barium.....hmmmmm. So now what? We went out to the desk to reschedule (on the verge of tears) for the 8th of March and then to have my port disconnected. Sat down in the chair and the tech came over and pulled the needle out as I took a very anxious deep breathe. The tech said, "What?" And I said....."Aren't you supposed to heparinize that first?" So, she stuck my chest with a needle again just to heparinize my port.....I came home so very irritated. And what do we do best when we are irritated? We clean.....Saige is in for a doozy when she comes home. Her room has been officially purged!


  1. Cindy,
    I am so sorry for the broken machine....maybe there was a reason for that. Maybe when you go back on the 8th, they will tell you that you are "clean". And as for purging, my girls room could use some serious purging, just in case you still have energy :)

  2. Hmmm, can't count how many times I've been irritated and not done any cleaning. Wait, I never have the urge to do that! Enjoy eating, visiting with your sis, and generally not being bombarded with radiation; the 8th will come soon enough.

  3. I am irritated most of the time and I have never cleaned anything as a result.... could you pass that gene along to me? Gods timing is not always our own.....mmmmm what is he doing here?
