Thursday, April 29, 2010

feeling pretty yucky

Went in yesterday hoping we were done with chemo......wishful thinking! PET scan results were good...but not good enough. They want to do four more round of chemo and then another PET scan. Been doing a lot of sleeping this round and very nauseated. About the PET scan. The one tumor that was not visible the last time s now considered gone. The one then is in the left lobe started at 5cm, went to 2.5cm and is now 9mm with zero sugar uptake. The large one on my right lobe is shrinking but not quite ready for resecting. Disappointing bet not surprising....I suppose.


  1. But that is fantastic news! From 2.5cm to 9mm is a huge difference! And the last one was so big to start with--that for you to get it down to a size that can be resected is amazing! You are so close to recovery! I'm sorry about the continued chemo, but after that it will all be downhill! Yea for good news. Chemo is short-term. The rest of your life is worth the fight. Chin up girl.

  2. Man, it's a testament to how hard the chemo has been that you're not ecstatic about these results. From, what, 80 % of your liver being taken over by these things to a few small lumps that are dying, albeit slower than you'd like. Keep your strength, and know that this last series should nuke 'em for good. Amazing news.

  3. awesome news!!!!!!!!!!!!!The small one may gone before this last session is over and may not need surgury to remove. Wish I could be there to celebrate this great news, always hold on to the positive!! love you all, Mom and Rich
    call when you feel well enough to talk, talked to john and was so happy he is feeling better, too

  4. Glad to hear the chemo is doing it's job! You're such a fighter and we're all praying and keepin the faith for continued good knews.
