Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My pitty party

Not sure why.....but I am down in the dumps today. My fingers still hurt and for some reason I started feeling nauseated again after lunch. Also, today's cold wind sends shooting pain through my nostrils and sinus area. Maybe that is why my nose is bleeding more today than normal? Normal. Ha! I would probably start crying right now just to get it off my chest......unfortunately, my tears cause severe pain around my eyeballs. Neuropathy of the eyeball......that's pretty funny. Maybe not. Now I just sound like a big whiner.......I want to go back to Moab. Maybe I need to go to work......oh, wait. My fingers cramp around writing utensils. Taking report would be quite the challenge. OK. I am done feeling sorry for myself. I am going to find something productive to do........


  1. not sure why? You seemed to have more reasons than most to validate being down in the dumps. So sorry you feel so bad.

    Do you look in the mirror everyday and say
    "It's working! It's worth it." I know me and I would absolutely have to give myself some kind of affirmation like that every single hour, or perhaps minute, of the day.

    You are so strong and brave. I love you.

  2. Self-pity can be a very normal, even healthy response to adversity as long as you don't wallow in it. I don't see you doing that, so don't sweat the occasional, "Damn this sucks, I wish it were done with," day.

    I've added gloves to my mental picture of your sartorial splendor. Hee hee, you can start your own chemo line of fashion!

  3. Anna and Pat could not have said it better--you are allowed to feel real feelings! It does suck! Just remember it will all be worth it and that cancer will be gone! Allow yourself some negativitiy and give yourself permission to be sad or pissed. We are too! But,remember, the good days are coming back soon. You will be hiking and feeling great again soon. We love you!

  4. Cancer can kiss my a##. Now I feel better.

  5. Cheer up sista!!! I just bought a ticket to Denver!!! April 23, 8pm - April 28, 7pm woohoo!!!

  6. Hey ~ It is now Saturday and I am just getting on my computer...I hope the fingers are feeling better by now (your message was left on Tuesday)! I hope all is nimble and not painful!

    Too, would love to see a picture in your Easter dress with the lovely snowflake gloves...you crack me up! Love you ~ Sara
