Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Still here!

I know I haven't posted in a few days......I guess I was too busy playing! I have really enjoyed getting some things done, enjoying the outdoors, and relaxing at Starbucks with a yummy chai tea.....made with whole milk of course. My appetite has been great resulting in a four pound weight gain! This news has pleased everyone. I went to work today. It is so nice to actually feel productive and hopefully helpful. Had a great day that's for sure. My first patient was actually a colon resection.....I had a good giggle over that one. At least I new how to take care of him....first hand experience! Tomorrow is chemo day so I packed my chemo bag and organized my pill box......sobering but not defeating. Feel the chemo melt the tumors away. Melt away....melt away.....melt away......


  1. So is your "pill box" one of those fishing tackle boxes that seems to have endless levels of expanding trays? Pity they didn't give you the parts of your colon they took out, since it would be a hell of an ice-breaker with your new patient ("Hey, you want to see MY resection?"). I was actually ticked when the hospital not only refused to give me my heart valve but then charged me for pathology services to . . . who knows what they did!
