Friday, December 18, 2009

Finally....a port!

How can one be so excited for a power port? Well, let me tell you, after being used as a human pin cushion for the past two weeks, a port sounds pretty good, huh? The doctor putting in the port had grand plans to sedate me to the point that I would sleep through the procedure, apparently I am not easily sedated :). I was awake through the whole procedure and actually had a very nice conversation with my nurse! Dr. Port-placer asked twice if I had received any medication and my nurse responded twice with a prompt yes and then would ask me if I felt I needed more. I, of course, eagerly said why not? Bring it on! Never once did it shut me up. Ha! I rock! After a very smooth 45minute recovery period i came home feeling great. By the time I got home I was pretty tired......they caught up with me, so I took a nap. Woke up an hour later and felt like Dr. Port-placer took a sledge hammer to my chest! Dang.....I thought I won this one! Nope. Well I am resting up with my hubby and a good movie. You all have a great night!


  1. I hope you enjoyed the movie tonight. Happy Port Placement Day! :)
    Who knew that could be a holiday?
    Good night, friend!

  2. Hey Cynthia ~ Port in...moving forward...yeah! Each step/process leads you towards recovery!!! What's up with the sledge hammer after Dr. Portplacer...he needs to put that feel good martini in that port! Glad you have your "Cynthia" humor along the are making us all smile. Sending a hug ~ Sara

  3. Hopefully it was a GREAT Christmas Movie. Nothing like cuddling to Rudolph and the great white scary snow monster,...right?
    Glad to hear about the port!
    Hugs, Tamara
