Wednesday, December 23, 2009

We are getting our white Christmas!

Ya! What a great day to stay in my p.j.s! OK. Truth be told I got up, got showered and put on clean p.j.s! I felt great all day, yet it being my third day feeling pretty good.....didn't want to push it. So, today I was a lazy girl. I did accomplish one thing though. I put together my Kanser notebook and actually read everything! Now I am educated on all side effects and all my papers are well organized. Isn't that great? I will sleep well tonight! Mrs. Social worker called me today. They assign one for all patients. She ask me if it was a good time to talk. I said yes since all I was doing was reading all the information given to me by the center. She acknowledged it was a lot of reading and I told her it was surprisingly contradictory. She didn't know what to say to that. So, Mrs. Social worker asked me if there was anything she could do for me before my first chemo treatment. I said, "I don't know. That is a very general question and I don't know what kind of services you provide." That was fair enough, right? I mean, if she really want me to answer that I would have said, "Take my cancer away.....forever! AWAY! You said ANYTHING!" But she seemed like a nice enough person so I showed her mercy :). Please pray that HE will show me the same with all the side effect. Love you all!


  1. Well, did she tell you what services she provides and discuss the contradictions? hmm. There's a movie with William Hurt. He is a cancer doctor with no bedside manner. Then he gets cancer. I almost sent that movie to one of my mom's doctors--he really needed to see that movie. Not sure if he would have even understood my point. Glad you had a peaceful day. Love you

  2. Love reading your blog! Praying for you everyday!!!! Sarah B.

  3. We pray always for dinner, at church, at night, in the car...truly, we pray always for you. Good night ~ Sara

  4. Kanser? You did get that medical THC script after all didn't you?!?!?! Lucy, you have some splain'n to do...Oh, maybe kanser is only for colon patients not boobie patients. XOXOXOX

  5. my wife got a full size adult pajama with the feet and everything!! She LOVES it!
