Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Just a little funny

Apparently in my last blog I miss spelled very as vary. This was pointed out by my sweet husband. I suppose this simple mistake gives us all something normal to talk about. We certainly don;t want to talk about what is actually going on the three tunors hanging out in my liver. So lets all get it out there....ready? All together now-cancer, cancer, cancer! There! Do we all feel better now? No....but it is said and now we can go on to new and better things. So what are we going to do about this CANCER? Well, I know what I am going to do. I am going to fight like hell and you all are going to cheer me on. Got it?. I know....full of demands. They will keep coming. By the way...we had a great morning. Grandma and Dad wrapped all the Christmas presents while I directed. I did a great job! I am feeling great and eating well today. Thanks for all the prayers!


  1. I am ready to be one of your cheerleaders Cynthia! You demand all you want, it doesn't bother me one bit. Stay strong!

  2. I am sooo glad that you are home and it sounds like you are getting stronger every day! I want to come visit when you are ready for visitors! I love you lots! Have a wonderful night!

  3. I love you, Cynthia Curro! That's all. :)

  4. Cynthia my friend...I'm blessed to be a cheerleader. I have not stopped thinking of you and praying for you. I think I'm even praying in my sleep. Love you. Thanks for the faith and encouragement to us as well.

  5. Hey girl! Sounds like you are feeling a little better- great to see that your sense of humor is intact! We are all missing you here and think of you all the time. We are here to give you support for your fight.
    You beat this thing! OK??!! Love ya, Kandy

  6. Cynthia, You are in my thoughts and prayers. I was a cheerleader in highschool, not a very good one, kind of hard when you are very tall with size 10 feet, but I will gladly be one of your cheerleaders! Thinking of you and sending all my love to you!

  7. My first cheer for you, rah rah ree kick this cancer in your knee, oops I mean liver, but it didn't rhyme. Anyway, I expect you to come up with the moves for this cheer, as we both know I do not have what it takes for that...I'm ready for this friend, and it's gonna be a wild ride together, but we can do anything together. I'm just thankful this move won't land us in jail together. Gotta find the positive in it all, right?!?!?! :)Kick some cancer a**, butt I mean.
    Your BFF
