Monday, December 14, 2009

Plans are set

Today was the first day I did not feel I needed a nap! Isn't that something? Yesterday I felt so wiped out I could barely make it back to my bed by noon and today nap. It's a trick, I tell you! Anyway, got up and got the kids off to school. Then I got mysef slightly presentable and off to see the oncologist. I walked in and it hit me like a ton of bricks. The minute they said hello, I teared up and could hardly hold it together. My appointment was at 11:00am and I sat waiting for 45 minutes in the mist of falling apart. Do you know what I thought when I walked in? To myself I said, " Look at all these old people! What the @#$%%% am I, at the age of 37, doing here?!!!! And why the @#$$%% am I sitting all teary eyed waiting amoung them?!!" Not very nice thought, I suppose. John and I eventually made it over to the puzzle to take our minds off of everything (which seemed to work), then the med tech so rudely interupted to bring us back to a little room to leave us once again alone with our thoughts.......for a very long time! At one point John said, "At least they could have left us with the puzzle if they were going to make us wait again, but noooooo!" I laughed so hard at that! Well, here is the plan. Friday morning I go in to have my port placed. I so can't wait! Then, on Tuesday I go in for a teaching session on my treatment at 8:00 am. They said I could bring anyone I wanted.....anyone want to go with me? We could make it a party! Then I go back on the 4th for my PET scan. You all realize I have to starve myself for all of this stuff.......getting good at that. First chemo treatment is officially set for Jan 6. Thanks for all the comments, they are all so encouraging and many of them make me laugh. You are all becoming my life support and I love you for it! Have a great night!


  1. I'll go on Tuesday if there is a puzzle!
    Do you feel a little relief with more information and some specific dates?
    What happens at a PET scan? Is there a puzzle there?
    You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Hurry up and wait-We are so used to being on the other side taking care of other patients. It's quite an eye opener to be the PATIENT!!
    We old folks know more about that then you young kids! Sounds like the plan is now under way. chemo first then radiation beads. love and kisses, mom and dad

  3. I want to go! But I will let Anna cover this one since I'm 1100 miles away.... Is it the 24th yet? How about we get a nasty jokes book to take to the appointment with us. Would it be bad to laugh our butts off in an oncology office? I think NOT!!! luv ya sis:)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have this chauffeur thing down (minus the limo), anytime you need a ride just let me know!
    I will bring a lot of puzzles too!
