Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wow! What a weekend!

It is amazing how one minute I can feel so great and the next like a train hit me! I have noticed my spirits swing with exactly how I feel physically...which doesn't help. For example, yesterday I felt great most of the day, a little tired in the evening but all around really great! John and I went for a drive and got some lunch to get out of the house and took my usuall nap. Too me, it was a great day. I felt confident that everything was going to be ok. Today, I came downstairs at 9:00 am with a temperature of 102.4. What the H#@$? That temperature did not break till 1:00 pm regardless of the tylenol and advil on board! I laid on the couch shivering and miserable. With this, my confidence plummeted and I spent plenty of time crying. grrrr! This is not helpful! I am happy to say I was able to get myself and kids to the Christmas Evish service, which was very good. The kids are out for Christmas break. Please pray for strength to do some fun things with the kids. It is very hard to say no to them "because mommy feels yucky". Totally not fair! Once again, almost can't wait for chemo so these fevers will go away! BTW. My port is healing well and I am stoked my arms will not be tortured anymore! Yay!


  1. Well, you are off to a great start going to a Fun and Festive Christmas Program. Cynthia...when you feel sad....think of the elves....think - "All the single elves.....All the single elves!" Ha - hope it took your mind off things for a little while. I was so glad to see you.
    Hugs, Tamara

  2. UGH!!!!! Fevers are very draining...keep resting. I hope the #$%@* fevers will take a holiday break (you deserve it) so you can enjoy the girls time off. Sending good and fever breaking cool vibes your way. Love you! Sara

  3. Everything is going to be ok--Keep resting and eating. The fevers are going to be part of your life for a little while. The fevers are trying to help you. Don't let them surprise you--expect them. Take full advantage of those times when you feel well. Stay focused on the plan. Build strength, then chemo, then lose wonderful radiation pills will shrink the tumors. When is Christa coming? Love you.
