Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Small improvements everyday.

It is amazing to me how very little I can eat right now. Our biggest goal is to increase my fat and protien intake so I can heal from the surgery. Can you believe I have spent my whole life controlling my fat intake? No soda, nix the chips, forget the fast food......I feel as though I have spent all this time trying to eat healthy to be healthy. I think this is what makes me so angry. So many feelings are starting to creep up today.....I am trying so hard to be strong for my family and friends but now you will start to see the weak side of me. I am hitting a brick wall and need many prayers to stay strong emotionally and physically. I know there is a reason for everything and God has His hands in this completely and my faith in him needs to remain strong. Thank you all for listening and being there for me.......Love you all!


  1. Cynthia, I hope that you continue to recover quickly, and know that you, John and the family have my best wishes and prayers. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you guys! -Lee Boening

  2. we love you and you can make this journey because you are the strongest women i know and you have so much love around you....
    your good people

    we love you guys
