Wednesday, January 20, 2010

chemo day #2

What did I tell you! Chemo took ALL day for crying out loud! Got home at 6:00 pm. Good news it went smoothly, no problems at all. I feel pretty good all things are considering. The intense cold sensation is definitely worse than the last time. I can't drink out of the tap unless it is warm and after 1 minute of standing outside my finger tips started reacting with severe tingling/burning sensation. Weird....They started me on magnesium and calcium drips before and after chemo session to minimise neuropathy....still in trial stages but whatever works! To ease all your minds......I did not drink any cold milk tonight! I'm a quick learner don't you think?


  1. hey... the 11 oclock news just shared a story where the heat from microwaves combined with chemo will help reduce tumors. This is great... let's figure out how to fit you in your microwave and it will help AND KEEP YOU WARM!

  2. Wow that is a long 4 hour day! I hope the trial drugs work fast.

  3. You may be a quick learner, but it's your older sister I'm worried about.

  4. Found it! But I think that you have missed your calling... forget nursing you are freakin' hilarious. You should have been a writer! Better hours and better pay to boot. What were you thinking:) The microwave idea is interesting...

  5. I love the microwave idea....I have a large microwave if you want to try.
    I love your posts....they never fail to make me smile or laugh.....As for being the quick learner----have you a brownie yet??? remember, NO cold milk.

  6. Hey Cynthia--just found out about you blog--you are doing an amazing thing and this will definitely help others who are going through a similar journey. I don't get to see you this year since Sam & Sierra are not in the same class-know that you are in my thought and daily prayers. You are a strong amazing woman!!-Audrey Abrashoff
