Sunday, January 10, 2010

It has been a few days since I have posted, and i am very sorry for that. I am feeling fairly well but by the time I am able to sit down to write i am wiped out! I am having some nausea, very little vomiting and a whole lot of fatigue. Took my first nap today in a long time and woke up drooling. think I was tired? Hmmmm. I am craving things I can't have, Like big glasses of cold milk and ice water. Not a whole lot of anything sounds good to me, so I eat whatever they come up with. when I say "they" I mean the Food Nazi's! Although, without them I wouldn't eat at all. I will update some more later-Love -Cynthia


  1. Cynthia,
    Its not politically correct to use the word "Nazi" in any form. I take offense to that because my grandfather was a Nazi, so that makes me 1/4 Nazi, therefore, your husband is 1/8 Nazi. Hey! This is really cool!---------------------Your idiot FIL

  2. Hi Cynthia ~ I was thinking of reasons why you have not been on your blog for a few days...vacationing in Mexico?...late night partying with your buddies?...or not feeling up to par? Darn, it was the latter...I so hoped you had escaped to Cozumel. I hope the chemo effects will wear off as time passes. You are an amazing person...I admire attitude about the trials and tribulations that you have been handed... keep your chin up my friend! Love you ~ Sara

  3. Nazi!?!? ha!! Cindy is sooooo funny!!! I mention food and she says sure I'll eat...what are you making for me:) I really have to twist her arm to eat....NOT!!! Cindy is eating sooo well, maybe it's the great company! She has gained 6 pounds since I've been here. If she losses weight after I leave I'm coming back out here to be her slave:) I think that is better than being a Nazi?
