Sunday, January 24, 2010

This sucks!

If I remember correctly, the weekend after chemo was the roughest last time...and it pretty much sucks this time. I am having waves of nausia uncontrolled with medication, a touch bit more emotional. I hate this cancer and I hate the burden it places on friend and family. I hate the nausia and I hate the smell of food. I guess I am a little grumpy today. The numbness in my fingers and toes really bother me and the charlie horses on my calfs sure do smart. I am really tired this time, too. I am happily climbing into bed by 8:00. Isn't that crazy? Well there is the scoop and now I ma going to lay down and chill for a few.


  1. There you go! Good girl. I am so proud of you for saying how you really feel. Doesn't that feel a teensy bit better? Cancer SUCKS, chemo SUCKS, it all SUCKS and it's not FAIR and it's okay to say so. Get your rest girl and let me know if there is anything in the world I can tempt you with to eat and I will bring it. Hang in there! Love, Debbie

  2. Nobody feels burdened by this. We wish we could do more. We wish we could take your pain. I'm glad to hear you are resting. I wish you could sleep through the worst of it all. You need to rest as much as possible. The body heals when you sleep. Let your body heal while everyone who loves you takes care of the rest.

  3. Be grumpy! You are more than entitled. Scream, yell or type. Whatever you can do, but let it out! It stinks, it sucks and it so isn't fair.

    Please don't waste energy feeling like you are a burden. Helping is what friends do. I understand it gets hard to be on the receiving end, but people help because they care and they want to, not because they feel they have to.

    Thank you for your blog, your strength and your humor. Praying for you daily.


  4. I've been reading some hopeful posts and thought you would like to read one too.
    In Nov 2006 at the age of 48 I was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer with multiple inoperable mets to the liver. I was given between 4 and 14 months to live. Feb. 2007 after colon resection I started folfox with avastin. CT scans between Feb and Oct 2007 showed reduction in size of tumors. PET scan in Oct 2007 showed no metabolic activity. I was given chemo holidays since then with only two treatements since.

    I have had CT scans every 3 months since. Tumors are now considered cystic in nature only. During the chemo time, I exercised as much as possible, supplemented (without my oncologists knowledge) and changed my diet to primarily fruits and vegetables and whole grains.(NO sugar !!!) . Also I eliminated as many stress factors as I could in my life. I am still here today and am currently training for a half marathon in 3 weeks time. Never give up - there are lots of hopeful developments all the time. It is my personal philosophy to that it is your responsibility alone to do everything possible that you can to save yourself and do not rely solely on the medical establishment. I also give thanks to my idea of GOD for each and every day now.

    Hope this helps

  5. Cancer sucks the big one!!! Sunday was the worst day during chemo round #1. I hope it is this round as well so you can get back to some "good" days soon!!!

    19 days till one of our favorite things...THE OLYPICS!! WOOHOO:)

    Joke of the day:)

    Ex-Lax: $5
    Metamucil: $10
    Barium Enema: $100
    Colonoscopy: $1000

    A great bowel movement: Priceless

    Luv ya sis!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey Cynthia, do you think they would let us do a fat transplant? I could give you 50lbs right now and problem solved - whaddaya think?

    Christa - love the joke of the day!

  8. I hate this cancer with you, and am still in disbelief the you are going thru this.

    Adding to hopeful stories, my uncle, Pat, had stage 4 colon cancer that was also in his liver. He came to the point that the catholic priest gave him last rights, all his children flew in to see him one last time and he was coming to accept his fate...that was 8 years ago and he is amzing healthy and going strong today and cancer free!

    Love you ~ Sara
